BCL ALLPDF Converter creates a PDF document from almost any application.
The same application can merge many PDF documents into one.
When application is launched, it offers three main initial options TO CREATE a PDF document, TO CONVERT PDF to Word, and to MERG PDF documents in one (by adding PDF files to the merge list).
a: For creating a PDF document, the user select the origin file and the application will open it using the corresponding program (MS Word for *.doc, MS Excel for *.xls, etc.), and the program will show the PDF converter commands integreted themselves into it.
Then user chooses where the output file to be saved and the name of it, and clicks "Save". User can set the conversion properties by clicking on the "Properties" button.
When conversion is made, ALLPDF will open Acrobat Reader for showing the output file as PDF.
b: For converting PDF files into MS Word documents, user opens the corresponding dialog, selects the PDF file to be converted and clicks on the "Convert" button, selects on the "Edit options" button (if desired) and selects where to save the converted file and the name of it.
The ALLPDF Converter has modified the context menu for offering conversions when right clicking on a PDF file.
c: For Merging PDF files in one, user can drag and drop PDF files to the merge list. If the application detects that one file is not a proper PDF file, it will ask the user to convert it into PDF first.
The application will show two direction arrows for the user to set the right merging order. Once the desired files are selected and sorted, user clicks on "Number of pages" for knowing the final output size, or directly on "Merge all" to get the result.
ALLPDF Converte inserts itself into MS Word and MS Excel programs, adding function buttons for these conversions to easy create a PDF file.
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